Signage & Packaging
Aside from a website (which in this day and age is one of the most important things in marketing your business, to ensure that you reach customers digitally, would be your signage and packaging.
This is closely knitted with your branding. Ensuring your shop front and company ethos reaches your target market and drives your brand home, as effectively as possible.
What do you start with? An A-board, a swing sign, a handing sign or even a banner? There are so many options for signage and POS, that it's hard to know where to start. My first stop would be to ask: Is it inside or outside? If you're looking for inside signage, you can save yourself some money by looking at a foamed boarding, instead of something more weatherproof, like aluminium composite. Signage and POS are two different kettles of fish. POS is 'Point of Sale', things
that fall under this category would be: mini A-boards, pop up banners, exhibition stands and posters etc.
Where as signage, you'd be looking more outside, such as: feather and tear drop flags, pic banners, shop front signage, exterior window stickers and A-boards. A really good website to consider when thinking about what kind on signage you're after would be